Professor Claire Seaman

Professor Claire Seaman holds the Chair of Enterprise and Family Business at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh. She has published over 30 journal articles on family businesses in the UK, New Zealand and Latin America and is a regular contributor to family business conferences worldwide. Her recent book, The Modern Family Business, was developed with colleagues and published by Palgrave McMillan. Claire maintains close links with the business community and business organisations such as the Scottish Family Business Association, Family Business United and local economic development agencies. She is a frequent speaker at gatherings of family businesses and professional advisors. This interaction enables her to share insights from evidence based research with practitioners, while ensuring that her research focuses on areas of importance to the family business community, and has led directly to current research that focusses on the European Family Business Associations. Experiences and close interactions with business and business support agencies help keep her professional work rooted into the realties and complex dynamics of families in business who create enterprises that dominate the economic and societal landscape around the world.