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ISBE Member Sam Everard is studying with the Centre for Seldom Heard Voices at Bournemouth University and is asking for support with her PhD research.  The title of the study is:
A Holistic View of Self-Employment Support for Neurodivergent People
 An exploration of the experience of neurodivergent people engaging with formal self-employment support.
Sam is asking to speak with self-employment / business advisers in the south west in order to enhance her study.  The interviews with self-employment advisers will assist with a balanced discussion about the formal support offered as will identify any challenges and barriers to delivery that the advisers face when engaging with neurodivergent people.
There are a set of questions which she has prepared and the interview should take no more than 90 minutes.
If you are willing to assist, please can you contact Sam on  or 07967452558