Call for papers: Creative and Cultural Ecologies Research Network


Call for Papers

​The creative economy and its connections with cities and regions has been the subject of substantial scrutiny from academics and policy makers in the last decades. With this research network, we would like to push the debate further by considering alternative perspectives on the study of the creative economy, proposing the need to talk about ‘creative and cultural ecologies’ to articulate the multiple understandings and connections which characterise the way culture and creativity are intertwined within situated communities and place and their development. We are also interested in how a more pluralistic approach to the term could enable new understandings of ‘inclusivity’ and ‘sustainability’, with particular attention paid to those people and organisations (stakeholders) involved in the creative economy but usually overlooked in research.
The network is connected with the research interests of the Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre (PEC) and research being developed by researchers at King’s College London as part of a H2020 funded project, Developing Inclusive and Sustainable Creative Economies ( but is  open to all researchers interested in discussing future directions of research in this area. In order to develop the work in this area further, we have launched, together with the European Urban and Regional Studies journal a Call for Papers and Special Issue.
You can download the full Call for Papers here
Deadline to submit extended abstracts:  21st September 2020
To submit your extended abstract please use this webform

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