Developing Twenty First Century Skills for Creativity and Innovation

Developing Twenty First Century Skills for Creativity and Innovation: The case of the entrepreneurial educator in raising learner awareness of Intellectual Property.

Celebration Launch of Edward Elgar publication:  Teaching Intellectual Property Law: Strategy and Management at Faculty of Law, University College London.

As UWTSD’s celebrations of being crowned Triple E European Entrepreneurial University of the Year 2022-3 continue, one of our approaches for empowering our learners to succeed is celebrated in the publication of a book chapter in Edward Elgar’s ‘Teaching Intellectual Property Law: Strategy and Management’.  Edited by Sabine Jacques and Ruth Soetendorp.

Kath and Andy Penaluna’s, co-authored chapter, showcases their practices for raising awareness of Intellectual Property as a means of empowering all learners, not just those in the law school. Employers need their employees to be educated to respect the rights of others, as well as to spot opportunities for future business, and entrepreneurs need to position their new ideas in an IP safe way to succeed.

Based on approaches to learning through becoming more curious about a topic, the chapter discusses how students can be encouraged to look at everyday objects in a new light, based on the premise that if it were not for an understanding of Intellectual Property, they would most likely have not made it into the marketplace.

Kath joined presentations from the chapter authors, and Professor Sir Robin Jacob provided a keynote that cemented the relevance of the book to educators.

Associate Professor, Dr Kath Penaluna, International Institute for Creative Entrepreneurial Development, (IICED) UWTSD  




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