Call for chapters: Extracurricular Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Activity- a global and holistic perspective

Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research is an official book series of the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) and is published in collaboration with ISBE and Emerald.

Call for chapters: Extracurricular Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Activity- a global and holistic perspective

Dr Sarah Preedy, University of Plymouth
Dr Emily Beaumont, University of Gloucestershire

This book aims to review the growth and development of enterprise and entrepreneurship extracurricular activities within Higher Education Institutions globally. It will consider the form these activities take, their appeal and role, their resourcing and challenges, alongside innovative and impactful practices in design and delivery. This book will bring together multiple angles on extracurricular enterprise activities, including academic, practitioner and policy perspectives, plugging the gap in the literature for a holistic review of these activities that incorporates viewpoints from across the globe while providing practical suggestions for improving teaching and learning. Each chapter will contribute to the debate regarding the role and value of extracurricular enterprise activities and crucially provide actionable knowledge for educators, practitioners and influencers through inclusion of teaching notes showcasing the authors’ practical suggestions.

Interested contributors to this publication are required to please send a 1500-word extended abstract together with up to six keywords and a 100-word biography for each author by 31st October 2022.

Please send to . Ensure you include the Names, Emails and Affiliations of all authors, with the corresponding author details in bold.

Please contact ">Dr Sarah Preedy as corresponding editor for further information or any queries.

Please click here for the full call for chapters.