ISBE 2021 Doctoral Day Programme and Speakers

Date: Wednesday 27th October 2021

Time: 9.30am-5.00pm

Location: Tramshed Tech, Pendyris Street, Cardiff CF11 6BH


The Doctoral day will provide participants with an opportunity to listen to best practice from Entrepreneurship subject experts plus network with PhD peers and build networks. The day will give attendees the opportunity to “test” their PhD’s concepts with a different audience.  The Doctoral day will also offer a poster session competition whereby doctoral candidates can submit a summary of their PhD to date and obtain feedback from experienced Entrepreneurship academics.

PhD Poster

Attendees are invited to submit a PhD poster as part of the Doctoral day. Attendees have the opportunity to discuss their PhD through their poster with academics and fellow PhD students. The poster will be ideally presented on an A3 sized document and should provide an overview of the aims and objectives of the study, the key literature, the methodology and the likely contribution to knowledge. A certificate will be awarded for the best poster in terms of imaginative design and critical content. Please bring a paper copy of your poster to the event if you wish to participate.

Doctoral Day Agenda

Time Session Lead Session Title Session Purpose
9.30-9.45 (15) Prof. Paul Jones (Swansea University)

Prof. Andrew Henley (Cardiff University)

Introduction and COFFEE Introduction to the day from Professor Andrew Henley
9.45-10.30 (45) Prof. Paul Jones (Swansea University) Meeting your PhD peers. Network with your PhD community.
10.30-11.15 (45) Dr Nicole Koenig-Lewis (Cardiff University

Prof. Luigi De Luca (Cardiff University)

Working collaboratively with outside organisations

Trends in business doctoral education…and beyond

This joint session considers the need for external collaborations in your PhD process and gives on overview of trends in Business doctoral education.
11.15-11.30 (15) COFFEE BREAK
11.30-12.15 (45) Prof. Katrina Pritchard (Swansea University) New Directions for Qualitative Research This session will offer insights into novel qualitative methods.
12.15-1.00 (45) Dr Helen Williams (Swansea University)

Dr Emily Bacon (Swansea University)

Lessons from the cliff edge: how we completed our PhDs. This session recount tales from two recent PhD graduates and their advice on best practice.
1.00-1.20 (20) Tramshed Overview  This session will provide an overview of Tramshed.
1.00-2.00 (40) LUNCH, Networking and poster session LUNCH plus students get to discuss their posters with fellow students and academics.
2.00-2.45 (45) Prof. Stephen Roper (Warwick University) Writing a PhD that will change the world This session will discuss the importance of creating research impact from your PhD for both the academic and real world
2.45-3.30 (45) Prof. Natalia Vershinina (Audencia Business School) Surviving the PhD viva The session will consider best practice and strategies to successfully navigate the PhD viva process.
3.30-3.45 (15) COFFEE BREAK
3.45-4.45 (25) Prof Paul Jones (Chair)

Dr Mohamed Haddoud (Liverpool John Moores University)

Dr Deema Refai (Leeds University)

Dr Lorna Treanor (Nottingham University)

Prof Natalia Vershinina (Audencia Business School)



Meet the Journal Editors. Representatives of Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, International Small Business Journal, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research and International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. The session will allow you to question current Journal editors regarding best practice in academic publishing within the entrepreneurship discipline.
4.45-5.00 Paul Jones Conclusion and Prize giving This session will conclude the day and award best poster presentations.


Speaker and Participant Biographies

Prof. Luigi M. De Luca (Ph.D., Bocconi University) is Professor of Marketing and Innovation and Pro-Dean for Doctoral Studies at Cardiff Business School, which he joined in 2009. His research and teaching cover the themes of Digital Technologies and Innovation, Big Data, and Marketing Strategy. Through his research and teaching, Luigi has collaborated and consulted with several organisations, both SMEs and large companies. Since January 2021, he was appointed as member of the Board of Directors of the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA), one of the largest global community of academic and industry innovation professionals. His work has been published in the Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Research Policy, British Journal of Management, Journal of Service Research, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research and Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, among others. Luigi is an Editorial Board Member of Journal of Product Innovation Management, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Strategic Marketing and Journal of the Global Scholars of Marketing Science.

Dr Mohamed Yacine Haddoud is a Reader in Management at Liverpool John Moores University and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in the UK. His research interests include international entrepreneurship, small business management, entrepreneurship education and behavior, and fuzzy-set analysis. Mohamed published several articles in the Journal of Vocational Behavior, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Small Business Management, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, Studies in Higher Education Journal to name a few. He currently acts as the co-editor of the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research.

Professor Andy Henley is Professor of Entrepreneurship and Economics at Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, and was from 2016 to 2021 School Director of Research Impact and Engagement. Prior to this he held School Dean appointments at Aberystwyth and Swansea universities. He is currently the Wales lead for the UKRI/ESRC Productivity Institute. Much of Andy’s research focuses on questions of who chooses to become an entrepreneur, and why and where they choose to do so. He is particularly interested in applications of longitudinal data. His research also focuses on entrepreneurial leadership and small business growth. He has published over 60 papers in leading academic journals in entrepreneurship, economics and regional studies, as well as contributing to several recent edited books. He is an experienced advisor on policy and between 2002 and 2012 he was a member of the Welsh Government’s Economic Research Advisory Panel, advising the First Minister in Wales on economic research and development policy.

Dr Nicole Koenig-Lewis is a Reader (Associate Professor) in Marketing at Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, UK and the ESRC DTP Wales pathway lead for Management and Business. I am also an affiliate to CAST (Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations) and founding member of the interdisciplinary Cardiff University Festival Research Group. My research revolves around the themes of sustainable consumption and aims to inspire truly sustainable approaches to business. I am interested in how consumer attitudes towards the circular economy are shaped and how behaviour can be influenced. My current projects are highly interdisciplinary and tackle the theoretical debate about drivers and barriers to sustainable consumer behaviours in contexts such as environmentally friendly packaging, the sharing economy, and festivals as agents of change.  I have completed my PhD at Swansea University, UK in 2004 and published in internationally recognised journals, such as Journal of Business Research, Journal of Environmental Psychology, Tourism Management, Journal of Services Marketing, and Annals of Tourism Research. I am also the co-editor of the book “ Public value: Deepening, enriching, and broadening the theory and practice of creating public value.” Bridging the gap between academia and the business community, I am working closely with several external business partners. I have collaborated with small and medium sized businesses promoting Cardiff Business School’s Public Value agenda, which focuses on delivering social value alongside economic growth recognising the role that businesses play in creating and delivering value in contemporary society.
Katrina Pritchard is a professor in the School of Management, Swansea University.  She is a qualitative researcher who embraces methodological diversity and innovation.  Katrina has published on methodology, covering topics ranging from pilot studies, digital ethics, ethnography, visual studies and multi-method research.  With Dr Rebecca Whiting, she recently authored Collecting Qualitative Data using Digital Methods (2020, Sage Publications) and co-edited Research Methods for Digital Work and Organization (2021, OUP) with Profs. Gillian Symon and Christine Hine.  Katrina’s entrepreneurship research is critically orientated and focuses on issues of diversity and representation.  In 2019 (with Drs. Helen Cooper and Kate Mackenzie-Davey; ‘Aesthetic labouring and the female entrepreneur: Entrepreneurship that wouldn’t chip your nails’) her research won the ISBJ overall best paper award.

Paul Jones is Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Swansea University. Professor Jones has undertaken research in entrepreneurship and small business management, information technology and entrepreneurship education during his academic career to date. Prof. Jones is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, Senior Editor with Information Technology and People and Associate Editor of the International Journal of Management Education. He is also Series Editor of the Emerald Book Series Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research.

Dr Emily Bacon is a lecturer and post-doctoral researcher in the School of Management, Swansea University. During her undergraduate degree in Education & Psychology at Cardiff University, Emily became fascinated by the upskilling and retention of talent across Wales, and consequently pursued a PhD in the School of Management at Swansea University. Emily’s PhD focused on the conditions required for knowledge transfer success within innovation ecosystems, exploring how multinationals, SMEs and universities collaborate to stimulate innovation. Emily employed two analytical techniques within her PhD – fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis, and Interpretive Structural Modelling.  Following her PhD, Emily pursued a post-doctoral position that explored the challenges of business relationships within innovation ecosystems. Since September 2020, Emily has split her time between her post-doc and as a lecturer on the Circular Economy Innovation Communities (CEIC) project, an executive education programme designed to encourage greater innovation and circular economy engagement across the Welsh public sector.

Dr Deema Refai is a Lecturer in Enterprise and Entrepreneurship at the University of Leeds. Deema has developed her research focus around refugee entrepreneurship, where she has led research projects funded by the British Academy and others. Through her work, Deema has developed strong collaborations with charities and councils supporting refugees in different countries, with particular focus on Jordan and the UK. Deema’s work has been published in international peer-reviewed journals and presented in a number of conferences in different countries. Deema is currently Joint Editor in Chief at the International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. She is on the editorial advisory board for the Journal of Pharmacy, and is a reviewer for a number of international, peer-reviewed journals.

Dr Lorna Treanor – Lorna’s research interests lie in the area of entrepreneurial behaviour; specifically, she is interested in the influence of gender upon individual’s entrepreneurial activity. She has published her work in a range of journals including ABS 4 and 3* journals such as: Human Relations, Gender Work & Organization, International Small Business Journal and Technological Forecasting and Social Change among others. Lorna is Consulting Editor and Editorial Board member for the International Small Business Journal. Lorna is also the current Vice President for Research & Communities of the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE), she has acted as track Chair of the ISBE Gender track since 2015 and is a co-founder and current Treasurer of the Gender and Enterprise Network (ISBEGEN), an ISBE Special Interest Group with over 800 international members.

Stephen Roper is Professor of Enterprise at Warwick Business School, Director of the Enterprise Research Centre ( and Co-Director of the National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise ( He is a co-investigator in the ESRC funded Productivity Institute and a member of the Institute’s Executive Committee. Stephen has spent over 30 years’ researching issues related to innovation and innovation policy in the UK and internationally and has published widely in both areas. He has led over 80 externally funded projects many involving inter-disciplinary and multi-national teams. Stephen regularly acts as a consultant for the OECD and the World Bank on issues related to small business development and innovation policy. Stephen is an Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences and a Fellow of the RSA. When he is not working Stephen is generally found at a potter’s wheel or workbench.

Helen Williams is a Lecturer in People and Organisation at the School of Management, Swansea University.  Prior to completing her Doctorate, Helen worked as an organisational psychologist, with expertise in the design and application of behavioural assessment tools, and competency framework models. Helen’s research interests include the practice and development of qualitative methods, with a particular focus on visual and creative approaches.  Recent work – stemming from her PhD research – includes the use of these approaches to explore how entrepreneurship is constructed and enacted within neoliberal contexts.  Current entrepreneurial scholarship broadly focuses on entrepreneurship as an overwhelmingly positive economic activity, often linking enterprise growth to wealth-creation and personal fulfilment.  Helen’s PhD critically unpacked these assumptions, applying a phenomenological framework to explore diverse ways of experiencing and practicing entrepreneurship.

Natalia Vershinina is Professor of Entrepreneurship at Audencia Business School in Nantes, France, who previously worked for De Montfort University and University of Birmingham in the UK. Natalia has researched how entrepreneurship intersects with ethnicity, gender and family business contexts and her latest work is on motherhood, impact of online communities for development of confidence and legitimacy amongst women, and finally transitions to self-employment and entrepreneurship of women in couples. Natalia’s latest projects are on entrepreneurial growth, international entrepreneurship, invisibility of women in family business discourses, and adoption of new methodologies that capture women’s voices in studies of entrepreneurship through netnography, active theatre and participative ethnographic methods. She is an Associate Editor for two entrepreneurship journals: ERD and IJEBR, and is on the Editorial board of JMS, AMP and IJEI. She is also a member of the elected Council of British Academy of Management, and an ISBE Trustee.