ISBE Member awarded exemplary paper award on her research


Dina is a late-stage doctoral researcher at the university of Edinburgh, and she has been awarded an  exemplary paper award about her research on the process of the entrepreneurship ecosystems in the context of ICT sector compared to the creative and cultural industries (CCI) in December 2021 by her university. Not only is Dina studying the impact of regional voids on the process of MSMEs, but she is also investigating how resilient entrepreneurs of emerging markets fill their voids with effective strategies which do not particularly pertain to social capital theory as the extant body of knowledge suggests. As she says, regional voids do not act as stumble blocks for business growth, but Khanna & Palepu (2010) stress how such voids are full of “opportunities” which are employed by savvy entrepreneurs in less than privileged contexts, which Dina names “veiled opportunities”. Dina is inviting you to connect with her on to further discuss her papers or/and contribute by co-authoring a paper.


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