Published Paper: Strategy Performation to Avoid Degeneration: How producer cooperatives can achieve social and economic goals

Strategy Performation to Avoid Degeneration: How producer cooperatives can achieve social and economic goals
A newly published paper on how to align strategic goals of SMEs / cooperative members that can result in collective action.

Organization Studies Journal. Open Access.

In this paper, we explore the intricacies of aligning both the actions and mindsets of numerous independent SME owners to foster a cohesive, shared strategic approach. Our analysis delves deep into the complexities of synchronizing individual activities and perspectives. We particularly emphasize the limitations of relying solely on economic incentives, demonstrating that such approaches may not be sufficient in achieving strategic congruence.

A significant aspect of our study focuses on the role of knowledge sharing as a critical tool in bridging operational and cognitive disparities. This mechanism is crucial for facilitating collective action, allowing for the harmonization of diverse objectives and perceptions within a group of independent entities.

While our research primarily investigates a producer cooperative, the principles and methodologies we discuss have broader applications. The mechanisms and processes we theorize are pertinent in various contexts where collective action is imperative. The strategies and insights we present are not confined to cooperatives but extend to other organizational forms facing similar challenges in strategic alignment and collective endeavour.

Please contact us if you’d like to explore more about the case or how it applies to other contexts.Frank Siedlok ()
Lisa Callagher ()


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