The RECREATE platform


The RECREATE platform is available for anyone who is interested in learning about entrepreneurship in an interactive and practical way.

Click here for the main website.

Create a free account here.

REcovery the CRisis through Entrepreneurial ATtitudE – RECREATE – aims to foster:

  • The creation of links between higher education, research and business especially at regional level,
  • The acquisition of transversal and entrepreneurial attitude among young researchers and students, in order to contribute to recovery of the current economic crisis.

Funded by the European Commission, RECREATE aims to stimulate creativity and digital skills through innovative learning environments. This project has been funded by the European Commission and is a collaborative effort between Universities and small-medium sized enterprises in Poland, Slovakia, Netherlands and Germany.

Please give feedback on the platform here.

Dr Cherisse Hoyte, Project Partner, UK, Email: cherisse.hoyte


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